Exploring the consciousness of intimacy
Orchid Lab is a purely exploratory space. Here we offer sacred exchanges in the field of authentic relating, embodied touch, transpersonal love and the realisation of our essential self. The exchanges, which are one to one, are aiming to fundamentally deepen our conscious experience and understanding of the intimacy and transpersonal love we are capable of as humans. Although some healing might inadvertently happen in the process of our explorations, the work is aimed solely at research in the field of human consciousness and intimacy and is not offered as, or to be confused with, therapy.
Focus of the explorations can be any experience of contact, be it to our own self, to one another as fellow explorers or contact with the world we live in. This includes inquiry into the physical realm through the body we inhabit and its emotional and energetic experiences of contact as well as – on a more subtle level – contact to and with our essential soul qualities.
What happens in a session:
Anything we are interested in and both agree on can happen in a session. It is not that important what specifically we might choose to have happen as our aim is to bring an increased consciousness to the unfolding process and not any goal-directed activity.
On a more practical level the work might entail elements like: meditation, breathing, simple holding touch, specific bodywork, sensate focusing, massage, sharing inner experiences and deep listening and/or inviting consciousness to any outer pleasures like food and drink.
We might explore each other’s presence, observe the dissolution of time in our spaciousness, work with embodiment exercises, focus on felt sense work or come up with entirely new processes. We might also simply sit with each other sensing into the flow of being.
The exploration of states of being and the nature of predominantly transpersonal love (love here understood as consciousness experienced in the heart) is likely the most important aspect of the meetings. Because of this, the enquiry aims to be less concerned with the psychological aspects of projected love, which means some awareness of our own projective patterns will be very helpful.
Another important element of the exchanges is to create space for a very open communication of our inner process without losing contact to our embodied experience. This might entail sharing our thoughts, sensations, feelings, desires and/or fears as well as experiences around consciousness and presence.
The aim is to gain more clarity of who we are as separate unique beings and who we are if forms of “oneness” show themselves in the actuality of our meeting.
Radical in more than one way
The exchanges are meant to be somewhat radical, radical in the original sense of the word as rooted in our core true self. In other words, they look to bring us into contact with the source of our presence, intimacy and transpersonal love and develop our consciousness through the experience.
Radical equality (not sameness):
One radical aspect is the aim to create equality between us normally not found in such exchanges. Our agreement is to let go of any comfortable roles like client, therapist, teacher, student, trainee and exploration guide. This of course entails a paradox. It is quite normal that we bring very different capacities, knowledge and consciousness to the exchange. How then can we create an exchange as true equals? Where might you find yourself leading, where might I find myself leading? What happens if none of us leads?
Whilst formally all decisions concerning focus of the explorations are taken together we also aim to observe how our being and presence creates a natural flow with its own inherent intelligence, wisdom and transpersonal guidance.
Radical financial agreements:
The sessions are neither free nor does one person pay the other. Again in a possibly somewhat unusual agreement we both decide on a fixed financial contribution (eg.: £30 per session) which we each donate to a charity that we are inspired to support.
This is acknowledgement of our time and the financial value of the work and also benefits a wider purpose through this sharing gesture.
Who is this for?
Are you ready and excited about the idea of exploring energy, silence, transpersonal spaces, presence, your authentic being and your essential qualities? Are your ready to notice, feel and share more of your experience? Are you ready to be vulnerable where you are vulnerable, let fear surface where it surfaces, all with curiosity? Are you ready to engage in naturally imperfect human exchanges and ready to deal with bliss where it shows itself even if it might feel like it’s overwhelming you? Are you ready to acknowledge your physical presence as a home to your essential soul self?
You will know if this is for you. Trust your instincts.
If your curiosity and excitement is feel-able as you wonder about the spaces we might be able to explore, get in contact and we can get to know each others’ interests more. At one point we will naturally know if we want to get together for a first “test” session. As slowness is a fundamental principle, to allow consciousness, we will only move deeper as we realise with some clarity that further depth is helpful for us.
What you might want to bring is sufficient self-awareness, some experience in inner work, and capacity to be responsible for yourself, especially as this is not a therapeutic modality but a meeting of two people in equality. Sufficient sense of agency and adult capacity is a welcome quality in those who want to explore. Having a healthy sense of your boundaries is as important as a good sense of humour, not taking anything too seriously – including yourself and of course also me.
How to register your interest:
To find out more about times and any other questions you might have feel free to contact me at